Pandara Sports is a professional event organizer that specializes in management of endurance races such as road running, marathon, cycling, triathlon, duathlon and other multi-sport events. We offer a comprehensive service that includes concept development, planning, execution, and supervision of your event.During the pandemic, we have also managed to leave our comfort zone by exploring and expanding our capabilities to organizing Online, Hybrid as well as in-person events that are compliant with the Government CHSE protocols: Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environment Sustainability.We have successfully applied the high standard and requirements for Covid-19 prevention, health and safety protocols in a world-class events such as the Borobudur Marathon Elite Race 2020-2021.
We can work together and assist event organizers in producing high quality sporting events. We have years of experience in producing running, cycling and multi-sport events to help organizers to implement great event planning and take challenges in organizing a sporting event.
Selain menyalurkan olahraga lari, event Borobudur Marathon juga menjadi sarana untuk berekreasi. Agenda pariwisata ... Selengkapnya
Event Bintan Triathlon yang akan digelar TriFactor pada 21-22 Oktober 2023 mendatang, akan diikuti Treather atau Atlet Triat... Selengkapnya
Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, olahraga berarti gerak badan untuk menguatkan dan menyehatkan tubuh. Salah satu bentuk ol... Selengkapnya
Ajang lomba lari Semarang 10K Powered by Isoplus sukses digelar di Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Minggu (17/12/2023). Sekit... Selengkapnya
Ajang triatlon digelar di Bali tahun depan. Bertajuk Sportel Bali Triathlon 2024, anda tertarik mengikutinya?
Triatlon te... Selengkapnya